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Work flow

we will proceed as follows.

Service are conducted after writing a  contract for a healthy and upright business.

Step 1

​사전 설계 미팅

 * 비즈니스 진단 및 파악

 * 컨설팅 용역 범위확인 

 * 용역 기간 및 견적 산출 

Step 2

검토 및 계약

* 용역 제안서 검토  
스케쥴링 협의 
* 계약 협의 및 체결

Step 3

​착수 및  진행

Step 4

​납기 및 종료

Do you need a document consulting service that perfectly considers my situation?

비즈니스 미팅

Company lecture

To upgrade

employee's writing skill


1:1 Performance Coaching

To develop

your business writing skill

Our works

Before & After helps your business with documents

비즈니스 미팅

B2B, B2C Proposal 

To show your business

Proposal, IR, business plan, etc.

그래프 분석

Business Document

To elevate efficient work flow

Company introduction, daily report, etc.


Public Institutions

To express performance

and maintain relationship

©2021 Before & After Presentation Consulting All rights reserved

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